Useful Numbers

Alcoholics Anonymous0845 7697555
Citizens Advice Bureau01555 664301
Crossline – Christian Counselling0845 6580045
Hairmyres Hospital01355 585000
Carluke Health Centre Administration,
Chiropody, Physiotherapy
01698 409635
Health Visitor01698 754430
District Nurses0300 303 2445
Monklands Hospital01236 748748
NHS Lanarkshire Primary
Care Operating Division
01698 267621
NHS Scotland MSK Advice and Triage Service
(Physiotherapy) – Self Referral
01698 687442 (to change your appointment)
Samaritans0845 7909090
Social Work Resources01555 673400
Treatment Room Appointment01698 754400
Wishaw General Hospital01698 361100
Boots Pharmacy Carluke01555 771350
Boots Pharmacy Law01698 356312
Cairns Chemist Carluke01555 771046
Lloyds Chemist Carluke01555 771249
After hours Chemists 
Cairns, Carluke
Sunday 11am-2pm
01555 771046
Lloyds, 80 Main St Wishaw.
Mon to Fri 9am-6pm
Sat 9am-5pm
01698 373136
Lloyds, 19 Main Street, Wishaw
7 days 9am-9pm
01698 372025
Moss Pharmacy, Merry St, Motherwell,
Mon to Sat 9am to 9pm
Sun 10am to 8pm
01698 263292
Police Scotland101